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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2021

Deadhouse Gates : Book Two of the Malazan Book of the Fallen (0765348799)

The second novel in the awe-inspiring Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Gripping, fast-moving, delightfully dark, with a masterful and unapologetic brutality reminiscent of George R. R. Martin. -- Elizabeth Haydon In the vast dominion of Seven Cities, in the Holy Desert Raraku, the seer Sha'ik and her followers prepare for the long-prophesied uprising known as the Whirlwind. Unprecedented in size and savagery, this maelstrom of fanaticism and bloodlust will embroil the Malazan Empire in one of the bloodiest conflicts it has ever known, shaping destinies and giving birth to legends . . . Set in a brilliantly realized world ravaged by dark, uncontrollable magic, Deadhouse Gates is a novel of war, intrigue and betrayal confirms Steven Eirkson as a storyteller of breathtaking skill, imagination and originality--a new master of epic fantasy. Product details Format ...

Monster des Alltags 01. Monster des Alltags (355178745X)

Woher kommt dieser TATENDRANG? Wieso habe ich LIEBESKUMMER? Wie werde ich den STRESS wieder los? Und was will die PEINLICHKEIT von mir? Auf all diese Fragen gibt es nun endlich eine Antwort. Vergessen Sie Ich, Über-Ich und Erbsünde, Archetypen, Karma und den Teufel: Hinter unseren Zwängen und Trieben, unserem Tun und Sein steckt niemand anderer als die MONSTER DES ALLTAGS. Mit seinen Büchern über Sigmund Freud und Goethe legte Christian Moser bei Carlsen zwei vielbeachtete Bestseller vor. Nun haben auch Mosers originellste Schöpfungen, DIE MONSTER DES ALLTAGS, bei Carlsen eine neue verlegerische Heimat gefunden. Die beiden ersten Bände seines fantasievoll illustrierten Kompendiums menschlicher Launen und Charakterschwächen erscheinen in vollständig überarbeiteter Neuausgabe, ein brandneues drittes Buch folgt im Sommer 2008. Product details For ages ...

Textilepedia (9789887711094)

Textilepedia encompasses practical tips for a range of textiles with detailed visuals - from deciphering different types of materials to understanding your finishing options A balance between text and imagery; it acts as a quick easy-to-navigate guide - simplifying complicated fabric and fibre information using comparisons and relatable stories Whether you're a student or an industry veteran, Textilepedia is the complete guide you'll reach for throughout your career Product details Format Hardback | 240 pages Dimensions 140 x 210 ...

Der zwölfte Planet : Wann, wo, wie die ersten Astronauten eines anderen Planeten zur Erde kamen und den Homo Sapiens schufen (3930219581)

"Der zwölfte Planet" liefert eindrucksvolle Belege für die Existenz eines zusätzlichen Planeten in unserem Sonnensystem: Nibiru - der Heimatplanet der Anunnaki, "jene die vom Himmel auf die Erde kamen". Zecharia Sitchin schildert in diesem Ausnahmewerk die Ursprünge der Menschheit anhand von Erkenntnissen aus der Archäologie, der Mythologie und antiken Texten und dokumentiert außerirdische Einflüsse auf die Erdgeschichte. Er konzentriert sich dabei vorwiegend auf das alte Sumer und enthüllt mit beeindruckender Genauigkeit die vollständige Geschichte unseres Sonnensystems, wie sie von den Besuchern eines anderen Planeten erzählt wurde, der sich alle 3.600 Jahre der Erde nähert. "Der zwölfte Planet" ist das kritische Standardwerk über die Astronauten der Antike - wie sie hierhergelangten, wann sie kamen und wie ihre Technologie und Kultur die menschliche Rasse seit Hunderttausenden von Jahren beeinflußt. "Aufregend ... glaubwürdig ... sehr provokativ un...

Single Mothers Are for Grown Men, Only! (0991033663)

Our understanding of single mothers is broken. Not like, "The x-ray came back and you may need a cast," broken; but "It's time to evacuate. The levy has been demolished," broken. Mentally, our streets are flooded with ignorance, yet we simply paddle along as if this is the way things are going to be. All things common sense seem to be immersed under the murky waters of, "She should've known better," "She should've been married first," and "It's her fault he ran out. She's the one who chose him." It's bizarre that in a world where cars can drive themselves and phones can recognize thumb prints, we're still committed to such ignorance, but that's about to change. For the last few years I've posted articles, memes, poems, and even viral videos with tens of millions of views on this subject, but like sandbags to an ocean, they've gotten swallowed whole without us, as a society, moving forward...

Treasonable Doubt : The Harry Dexter White Spy Case (9780700613113)

Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley shocked America in 1948 with their allegations that Communist spies had penetrated the American government. The resulting perjury trial of Alger Hiss is already legendary, but Chambers and Bentley also named Harry Dexter White, a high-ranking Treasury official. (Hiss himself thought that White had been the real target of the House Un-American Activities Committee.) When White died only a week after his bold defense before Congress, much speculation remained about the cause of his death and the truth of the charges made against him. Armed with a wealth of new information, Bruce Craig examines this controversial case and explores the ambiguities that have haunted it for more than half a century. The highest ranking figure in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations to be accused of espionage, White played a central role in the founding of the United Nations' twin financial institutions, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. For years...

The Red Slippers (1481438131)

Sabotage could result in a final curtain call for a ballerina's career in this eleventh book of the Nancy Drew Diaries, a fresh approach to a classic mystery series. Nancy and Bess are excited when they run into their old friend Maggie Rogers in River Heights. As little girls, Bess and Nancy were in dance classes with Maggie, until she moved away to attend a prestigious ballet academy. Now Maggie is part of a ballet company made up of the most promising young dancers in the state, and the company is in town to perform Sleeping Beauty. This performance is especially important because the famous dance critic Oscar LaVigne will be in the audience. A good review could catapult Maggie's career...but a bad one could ruin everything. In the days leading up to the big show, strange things start happening. First someone tampers with Maggie's phone, making her late to rehearsal. Then Maggie's face is violently scratched out of all the official show posters, and she finds her d...

The PE Diet (9780578688176)

The only difference between the HEALTHIEST people on earth, and the LEAST HEALTHY? DIET and EXERCISE. All of us WANT to achieve optimum wellness, but not all of us know how. There are some basic levers that drive health in one of two directions: towards perfection, or towards chronic degenerative disease. If you understand the principles that govern your physiology, you can achieve complete mastery over your own body composition and become the best possible version of yourself. The P: E Diet is the SIMPLEST and MOST PRACTICAL diet and exercise book ever written. Once you understand the core tenets of your biology, you will know HOW to increase your lean mass while decreasing your fat mass-and you will know WHY it works. The P: E Diet breaks down every single dietary strategy into one incredibly simple metric: PROTEIN versus ENERGY. The protein to energy ratio explains EVERY SINGLE DIET PHENOMENON. The P: E Diet breaks down the cause of the obesity epidemic and the solution using this o...

Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible : 260 Exquisite Patterns by Hitomi Shida (9784805314531)

In the Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible knitting guru Hitomi Shida shares some of her favourite needlework patterns. Shida's strikingly original designs and variations on every imaginable classic stitch result in intricate patterns that form the basis for beautiful and unique knitted fashions. This is the perfect book for the experienced knitter who is looking for new stitches that yield spectacular results. The stitches featured include cables, popcorn stitches and edgings. A set of detailed, step-by-step diagrams show you how to execute all the basic stitches. Instructions and diagrams for a series of small projects offer practice working with large patterns, lacy patterns and pattern arrangements. The projects include ever-popular fingerless mittens, a feminine collar and thick socks. Product details Format ...