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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2021

Healthcare Safety for Nursing Personnel : An Organizational Guide to Achieving Results (9781482230277)

Nursing personnel play an integral role in healthcare and medical delivery organizations. Nurses not only work to keep patients safe, but must also contend with a number of safety and health risks. Illustrating the occupational risks nurses face, Healthcare Safety for Nursing Personnel: An Organizational Guide to Achieving Results addresses healthcare safety as related to nursing personnel risks, hazards, and responsibilities in hospitals and healthcare facilities. The book begins with an introduction to nursing safety that supplies a fundamental understanding of patient, nursing, and facility safety. Next, it delves into the range of safety issues that nurses must contend with. Topics covered include administrative area safety, bloodborne pathogens, workplace violence, infection control and prevention, emergency management, fire safety, and radiation hazards. Examining the concepts and principles of patient safety as related to organizational dynamics, culture, system methods, and key...

Animal-Assisted Interventions in Health Care Settings : A Best Practices Manual for Establishing New Programs (9781557538154)

Growing literature around the benefits ofanimal-assisted intervention (AAI) spurs health care professionals andadministrators to start new programs. Yet the trend also raises questions ofhow best to begin and run successful AAI programs-under what circumstances,with what staff, and within what guidelines. Animal-Assisted Interventions in Health Care Settings: A BestPractices Manual for Establishing New Programs succinctly outlines how best to develop, implement, run, andevaluate AAI programs. Drawing on extensive professional experiences andresearch from more than fifteen years leading the Center for Human-AnimalInteraction in the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, theauthors discuss both best practices and best reasons for establishing AAIprograms. For thorough consideration, the text explores benefits from a varietyof perspectives, including how AAI can improve patient experience, provideadditional career development for staff, and contribute favorably toorganizatio...

Clinical Aspects of Blood Viscosity and Cell Deformability (9781447131076)

After many years of relative neglect, the importance of study of factors governing blood flow has at last achieved recognition; in this volume are documented many of the techniques, and the basic scientific and clinical observations, which have helped to open up understanding of this highly important aspect of human physiology and pathology in recent years. The text is logically divided into five sections beginning with blood cell deformability, then moving on to theoretical consideration of blood rheology, followed by accounts of the interrelationships between rheology, blood flow and vascular occlusion. The final two sections deal with blood rheology in clinical practice and therapeutic aspects of the study of blood flow. As regards blood cell deformability (Section A), the basic problem is set out by Kiesewetter and colleagues in the first paragraph of chapter 1 (p. 3), in which they point out that whereas human erythrocytes at rest have a diameter of approxi mately 7. 5 /-tm, nutri...

Joyland (9781781167694)

A STUNNING NEW NOVEL FROM ONE OF THE BEST-SELLING AUTHORS OF ALL TIME - NOW OUT IN MASS MARKET PAPERBACK! The #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and the ways both will change his life forever. "I love crime, I love mysteries, and I love ghosts. That combo made Hard Case Crime the perfect venue for this book, which is one of my favorites. I also loved the paperbacks I grew up with as a kid, and for that reason, we're going to hold off on e-publishing this one for the time being. Joyland will be coming out in paperback, and folks who want to read it will have to buy the actual book." - Stephen King Product details Format ...

Diseases and Disorders from "Ferri's Clinical Advisor, 2002" and "The Harriet Lane Handbook" (9780323019422)

"PDA's" offer the handiest and quickest access to some of the most respected medical resources. Using skyscape's ART technology each title loaded onto your palmtop automatically cross-links, creating one seamlessly integrated medical resource. This is a fantastic advance giving you the ability to create a customised one-stop-shop for all your information needs. To help you save money and take advantage of this stunning feature we have created money-saving PDA bundles. Product details Format CD-ROM Publication date 26 Jun 2002 Publisher ...

Red Book 2012 : Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (Spanish Edition) (9781581107579)

The authoritative guide to the latest pediatric infectious disease information. Developed by the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases in conjunction with the CDC, the FDA, the Red Book continues the tradition of excellence with the latest findings and clinical recommendations on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 childhood conditions. Product details Format Paperback | 1092 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 38.1mm |...

Nurses and Families (9780803621305)

With a clear focus on clinical nursing practice, this is the only textbook that provides specific how-to guidelines for family assessment and intervention. It's the ideal 'how to' book for promoting better family health care. "The Calgary Family Assessment Model" serves as the foundation for the book. This title includes genograms for blended families with multiple parents and siblings. It provides detailed clinical guidelines in preparing, conducting, and documenting a family interview. It covers diversity issues such as ethnicity, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender, and socioeconomic class in numerous clinical examples. It uses case studies to encourage critical thinking and skill development. It also includes a new chapter on 'How to Use Questioning in Family Interviewing'. It places added emphasis on complex health, social, and psychological problems within families. It features additional content on current issues in families including: gen...

Bautechnik. Technisches Zeichnen (3808541474)

Grundlagen des Bauzeichnens nach den gültigen Zeichennormen und dem aktuellen Stand der Bautechnik. Mit Musteraufgaben, Lösungen und zahlreichen als Arbeitsauftrag formulierten Aufgaben, sodass die Schüler selbstständig arbeiten können. Die Aufgaben sind fächerübergreifend und verlangen vom Schüler Fach- und Handlungskompetenz. Alle Zeichnungen können zum Erlernen des Zeichnungslesens genutzt werden. In der 7. Auflage wurden durch Einführung von Eurocode-Normen in vielen Kapiteln des Buches Überarbeitungen notwendig. Durch Eurocode 2: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerken und dem Nationalen Anhang DIN EN 1992-1 änderten sich in den entsprechenden Kapiteln des Buches viele Kurzbezeichnungen. Ebenso änderten sich durch Eurocode 6: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Mauerwerksbauten sowie dem Nationalen Anhang DIN ISO 1996-1 Kurzbezeichnungen und Berechnungsverfahren. Mit Herausgabe einer neuen Richtlinie für die Standardisierung des Oberbaus von Verkehrsfl...

Weinschule 2.0 : Der Weinkurs fur Menschen mit eigenem Geschmack (1514100843)

Weingenuss besteht aus zwei Komponenten, Schmecken und Erleben. Ersteres ist Tagesform und letzteres wird um so spannender, je mehr man von der Sache versteht. Dieses Buch will Ihnen weder vorschreiben, was Sie wann zu schmecken haben, noch was Sie gut oder schlecht finden dürfen oder wie teuer Ihr Hauswein sein muss, damit er etwas taugt. Es soll Ihnen einfach nur die Dimensionen von Wein näher bringen, denn Wein ist das komplexestes Genussmittel der Erde, kann Hunderte von Aromen enthalten und Dutzende Eigenschaften haben. Da stört ein bisschen Wissen nicht. Bei aller Theorie steht aber immer eines im Mittelpunkt: Ihr Geschmack - wie Sie ihn erkunden, definieren und beschreiben, damit Sie nie wieder den falschen Wein ins Glas kriegen. Product details Format Paperback | 140 p...

Problems in Social Care (9789400965881)

This book has been written primarily for general practitioners; it describes the social problems which are presented by patients to their doctors for help and advice. The aim of the book is to help the doctor manage these problems, both through his own interventions and by involving or referring the patient on to other agencies. While the more common problems have been considered in detail, those rarely encountered have been omitted. The book also concentrates on help available from non-medical sources, as these will be less familiar to the general practitioner than other medical or nursing services. There is often a close association between social difficulties and health problems, both physical and psychiatric. It is, there fore, vital that an attempt is made to meet the social needs of patients in order to promote good physical and mental health. R. H. Corney 8 Series Foreword This series of books is designed to help general practitioners. So are other books. What is unusual in this...

Sternanis st rkt die Abwehrkr fte Hilft bei Bl hungen : Ein leidiges Thema? Mit Sternanis in den Griff bekommen. (9781499304312)

Sternanis stärkt die Abwehrkräfte Dieser Stern hilft bei Blähungen und glaubt es kaum. Ja, letzteres ist ein leidiges Thema! Aber wirklich einfach mit Sternanis in den Griff bekommen. Blähbauch - Völlegefühl ade. So geht`s. In diesem Ratgeber möchte ich sie auf die faszinierende Heilwirkung von Sternanis aufmerksam machen. Dem Rat meines Hausarztes folgend kann ich nur positives über die Heilwirkung von Sternanis berichten. Warum gerade Sternanis die Lösung meines Problems war und wie die Anwendung in der täglichen Praxis aussieht und auf was Sie unbedingt achten sollten, werde ich Ihnen in diesem Sternanis-Ratgeber erzählen. Kurzum ist zu Sternanis zu sagen: Insgesamt ist der echte Sternanis ein wirklicher Allrounder für die Atemwegserkrankungen und vor allen Dingen zur Linderung von Beschwerden im Magen-Darm Trakt . Oder wie ich schon sagte Sternanis stärkt die Abwehrkräfte und hilft bei Blähungen. Glauben Sie mir - es funktioniert!!! So günstig kann Naturmedizin sein, ...

Neurology : A Clinician's Approach (9783319296302)

This concise, thoroughly updated text provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of neurology and will serve as a highly practical resource for neurology residents and medical students. Emphasizing a practical approach to common neurologic disorders, the author blends chapters that cover the evaluation of specific complaints (confusion, dizziness and vertigo, visual loss, headache and facial pain) with others that focus on particular disorders (Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, dementia). Noting the core practice of neurology is largely unchanged from years ago and still largely done at the bedside, the author emphasizes the importance of acquiring expertise in the time-tested, classical techniques of history taking, directed examination, and localization. Toward that, the author encourages a focus on the key clinical pathways for diagnosis and management. A wide range of clinical pearls are provided and the diagrams and illustrations are well-designed and comprehensible, as are...

Silicon Carbide Nanostructures : Fabrication, Structure, and Properties (9783319087252)

This book brings together the most up-to-date information on the fabrication techniques, properties, and potential applications of low dimensional silicon carbide (SiC) nanostructures such as nanocrystallites, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanostructured films. It also summarizes the tremendous achievements acquired during the past three decades involving structural, electronic, and optical properties of bulk silicon carbide crystals. SiC nanostructures exhibit a range of fascinating and industrially important properties, such as diverse polytypes, stability of interband and defect-related green to blue luminescence, inertness to chemical surroundings, and good biocompatibility. These properties have generated an increasing interest in the materials, which have great potential in a variety of applications across the fields of nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, electron field emission, sensing, quantum information, energy conversion and storage, biomedical engineering, and medicine. SiC is a...

Vestibular Disorders : A Case Study Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment (9780195333206)

Vestibular Disorders, Third Edition, uses a case-study approach to outline the principles and practice of the care of patients with dizziness and balance disorders. The text reflects the combined perspectives and experience of a neurologist (Dr. Furman) a neurotologic surgeon (Dr. Cass), and a physical therapist (Dr. Whitney). Each case study contains relevant material regarding history, physical examination, laboratory testing, differential diagnosis, and treatment. This material provides a springboard for discussion of either a concept in the field of vestibular disorders or the diagnosis or treatment of a particular disease state. Practical, specific treatment options are discussed throughout the book. The book is written to a wide audience and educational level of readers including Primary Care Physicians, Otolaryngologists, Neurologists, Physical Therapist, and Audiologists. The case-format style of the book lends itself to use in teaching programs involving medical students, re...

Human Chromosome Variation: Heteromorphism, Polymorphism and Pathogenesis (9789811030345)

This new edition now titled "Human Chromosome Variation: Heteromorphism, Polymorphism and Pathogenesis" provides the reader with an up-to-date overview of microarrays, fragile sites, copy number variations and whole genome sequencing. Greatly expanding the discussion of microarray analysis in the previous edition of the book, are new chapters on microarray and genomic analysis, plus comprehensive tables on the subtle microdeletions and microduplications that are found on each chromosome, including 235 recurring copy number variants that are associated with well-established or emerging chromosomal syndromes. The current edition features concise information on cytogenetic methods and applications, extending these discussions to DNA analysis and genome sequencing. Sections on euchromatin, heterochromatin, FISH pattern, fragile site, copy number, and DNA sequence variation are integrated with actual clinical examples from cytogenetic laboratories and from clinical practice. The p...

Reason for Hope : A Spiritual Journey (9781570426063)

The distinguished scientist draws on her experiences and spiritual beliefs to explore the higher purpose to life, explaining how this can be best served by demonstrating a deep respect for life in all its forms and a commitment the understand the spiritual ties between humankind and the natural world. Simultaneous. Product details Format Audio cassette Dimensions 105 x 171 x 26mm | 163g Publication date ...

My Inventions (9781611045741)

Serbian inventor NIKOLA TESLA (1857-1943) was a revolutionary scientist who forever changed the scientific fields of electricity and magnetism. Tesla discussed his innovations in his autobiography, "My Inventions." His greatest invention, A/C current, powers almost all of the technological wonders in the world today, from home heating to computers to high-tech robotics. His discoveries gave mankind the television. And his dream of wireless communication came to pass in both the radio and eventually the cell phone. Yet his story remains widely unknown. History buffs, science enthusiasts, backyard inventors, and anyone who has ever dared to dream big will find the life of Nikola Tesla, written in his own words, engaging, informative, and humorous in its eccentricity. Product details Format Paperback ...

Contacts (9780008346966)

One man's last journey. One hundred and fifty-eight chances to save his life. The unforgettable new book from award-winning writer and comedian Mark Watson! 'Mark Watson is one of my favourite writers and Contacts is by far his best book yet' Adam Kay 'Witty, emotional and beautifully written' Jill Mansell 'It made me laugh, cry, reflect and want to check in on all my friends' Emma Gannon 'This is such a great book, funny and serious and daring and humane' Richard Curtis James Chiltern boards the 23:50 sleeper train from London to Edinburgh with two pork pies, six beers and a packet of chocolate digestives. At 23:55 he sends a message to all 158 people in his contacts, telling them that he plans to end his life in the morning. He then switches his phone to flight mode. He's said goodbye. To him, it's the end of his story - and time to crack open the biscuits. But across the world, 158 phones are lighting up with a notification. P...

El Nuevo Bebe en Casa : Todos los Cuidados Importantes que debes Saber de tu Bebe Recien Nacido (9781646941179)

¿Qué tan preparado estás para criar a tu bebé durante sus primeros meses de vida? Pocas cosas pueden comprarse con los primeros meses de vida de un bebé, pues son los que tendrán el mayor impacto en su desarrollo e infancia. Sin embargo, tanto los padres primerizos como los veteranos concuerdan en que el primer año de vida de un bebé es de las etapas más difíciles de enfrentar. Con esta guía, aprenderás lo siguiente: Cómo alimentar a tu bebé apropiadamente para promover su desarrollo y salud en su primer año de vida.Cómo lograr que tu bebé tenga buenos hábitos de sueño y que puedas despedirte de las largas noches en vela.Cómo evitar los errores más comunes cometidos por los padres, y que a largo plazo podrían dañar el desarrollo del bebé.Cómo lidiar con la ansiedad por separación, y cómo hacer que el proceso sea más fácil tanto para tu bebé como para ti.Los principales retos enfrentados por los padres durante el primer año de vida del bebé, y cómo encararlos con éxito. ¿Quieres disfrut...

Heads up Helping!! : Teaching Tips and Techniques for Working with Add, ADHD and Other Children with (9781553693321)

Heads Up Helping is packed with proven techniques and practical teaching tips for parenting and educating children with ADD/ADHD and other challenges. Melinda Boring writes from the unique perspective of an experienced homeschooler, professional speech/language pathologist, and mother of three children - two with ADHD. Product details Format Paperback | 180 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 10mm | 236g ...

Twins & Multiple Births : The Essential Parenting Guide From Pregnancy to Adulthood (9780091894856)

Updated in 2013 with the latest statistics and guidelines, this inspiring and enlightening parenting guide is for all parents of twins or more. It's written by a practising GP and mother of twins who seamlessly combines her medical know-how with first-hand experience of having more than one baby at once. With statistics on multiple births and useful resources, as well as information on topics such as: fertility treatment, advances in prenatal medicine and surgery, feeding, schooling and looking after sick twins, this book offers first-hand professional, practical and emotional advice to help parents cope with the development and rearing of twins from conception to adulthood. Particular emphasis is placed on the relationship between twins as individuals as they grow up, their relationship with others both inside and outside the family, and sibling rivalry. Also incorporating standard information on pregnancy, birth, what to expect and how the process differs from single births, this...

2034 : A Novel of the Next World War (9781984881250)

An instant New York Times Bestseller! "Consider this another vaccine against disaster. Fortunately, this dose won't cause a temporary fever--and it happens to be a rippingly good read." --Wired "This crisply written and well-paced book reads like an all-caps warning for a world shackled to the machines we carry in our pockets and place on our laps . . . --The Washington Post From two former military officers and award-winning authors, a chillingly authentic geopolitical thriller that imagines a naval clash between the US and China in the South China Sea in 2034--and the path from there to a nightmarish global conflagration. On March 12, 2034, US Navy Commodore Sarah Hunt is on the bridge of her flagship, the guided missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones, conducting a routine freedom of navigation patrol in the South China Sea when her ship detects an unflagged trawler in clear distress, smoke billowing from its bridge. On that same day, US Marine aviator Major Chris W...

Wenn der Papst flieht (3864455618)

Die Flucht des Papstes aus Rom: das letzte Zeichen vor den großen Umwälzungen! Zahlreiche Weissagungen und Visionen der verschiedensten Seher und Propheten aller Kontinente und aus allen geschichtlichen Epochen scheinen unsere Gegenwart geradezu als schicksalhaften Brennpunkt zu markieren. Was wir heute als Realität erleben, haben lange vor unserer Zeit bereits Menschen in Visionen gesehen - in vielen Teilen der Welt, besonders auch in Mitteleuropa. Wenn man diese Visionen liest, muss man alarmiert sein: Der Menschheit und der Erde stehen große Veränderungen bevor. Die großen Umwälzungen beginnen, wenn sich eine Reihe von Vorzeichen erfüllt haben. Peter Orzechowski belegt in diesem aufsehenerregenden Buch anhand von neuesten Erkenntnissen und aktuellen Fakten, dass bereits all diese Vorzeichen eingetreten sind - bis auf eines. Das letzte Zeichen vor den großen Umwälzungen ist die von vielen Sehern prophezeite Flucht des Papstes aus Rom. Heute sind wir diesem Ereignis sehr nahe. Die ka...

Design for 3D Printing (1457187361)

France's Le FabShop has extensive experience testing 3D printers and creating digital models for them. From an articulated Makey Robot to a posable elephant model, Samuel N. Bernier and the rest of Le FabShop's team have created some of the most-printed designs in the 3D printing world. This book uses their work to teach you how to get professional results out of a desktop 3D printer without needing to be trained in design. Through a series of tutorials and case studies, this book gives you the techniques to turn a product idea into a 3D model and a prototype. Focusing on free design software and affordable technologies, the exercises in this book are the perfect boost to any beginner looking to start designing for 3D printing. Designing for the tool and finding a good tool to fit the design--these are at the core of the product designer's job, and these are the tools this book will help you master. Foreword by Carl Bass, Autodesk's CEO, a passionate and prolific Mak...