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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2022

Linear Algebra for Everyone (9781733146630)

"This is a textbook for the linear algebra courses offered at colleges and universities"-- Product details Format Hardback | 368 pages Dimensions 196 x 242 x 22mm | 800g Publication date 26 Nov 2020 ...

Tolley's Taxwise I and II: Set (9780754540649)

This special set offers you the chance to purchase the respected "Tolley's Taxwise I & II 2011-12." "Tolley's Taxwise I 2011-12" covers: Income Tax, National Insurance Contributions, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Stamp Duty, VAT and incorporates a variety of features for ease of use including - Full cross-referencing and comprehensive indexing to assist in immediate location of required information, Tables of rates for quick reference, Guidance in the layout of computations, and Numerous worked examples with detailed explanatory notes. "Tolley's Taxwise II 2011-12" covers: Inheritance Tax, Taxation of Trusts and Taxation of Estates, incorporating a variety of features for ease of use. Written by tax experts who are renowned not only for their technical skills but also for their ability to make sense of complex subjects. It is a required reading for all students in professional tax examinations. ...

The Suffragette - The History Of The Women's Militant Suffrage Movement, 1905-1910 (9781446036006)

First published in 1911, "The Suffragette - The History of The Women's Militant Suffrage Movement - 1905-1910" is an account of the progress and happenings of the Militant Women's Suffrage Movement by Emmeline Pankhurst, outlining both the steps by which the movement grew and the motives and ideas that animated its promoters. This volume offers a fascinating insight into the origins and struggles of the British suffragette movement and is not to be missed by those with an interest in suffragism and women's history. Contents include: "The Early Days", "The Beginning of the Militant Tactics", "The General Election of 1906", "January to May, 1906", "May to August, 1906", "October to November, 1906", "November, 1906, to February, 1907", etc. Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) was a British political activist who organised the British suffragette movement and helped women attain voting rights. "Ti...

Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility (9781787563162)

Scholarly interest in the areas of sustainability, stakeholder relations and corporate social responsibility (CSR) has increased considerably in recent years. In this volume, we take a step back to consider the fundamental questions that underlie and tie research across these areas together. The chapters in this volume cover a wide range of theoretical perspectives grounded in strategy, economics and sociology, employ various methodological approaches, and offer new arguments on the connections that exist between firms' decisions relating to sustainability, CSR, and the governance of their stakeholder relations. The chapters in this volume highlight that business decisions relating to sustainability and CSR are ultimately decisions about the governance of stakeholder relations, and suggest that future work in these areas should consider more closely both the firms and their stakeholders as strategic actors driving firm decisions. ...

Physics Galaxy 2020-21 : Advanced Illustration in Physics (9788193975633)

Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the aspirants of JEE Advanced examination. The book covers more than 700 advanced problems with illustrations. Detailed explanations have been included with video solutions so that students are able to grasp the fundamental examination edge of JEE Advanced. Every illustration is based on specific experimental analysis and practical situations from real life, so that students can understand how questions are framed in competitive exams. All illustrations are divided in several topics covering the syllabus of Advanced Physics for JEE. Features 700+ advanced problems illustrated with explanations Practical problems included from real life Video solutions included to help students grasp concepts better Product details ...

The Book Smugglers of Timbuktu : The Quest for This Storied City and the Race to Save its Treasures (9780008126636)

Two tales of a city: The historical race to reach one of the world's most mythologized places, and the story of how a contemporary band of archivists and librarians, fighting to save its ancient manuscripts from destruction at the hands of al Qaeda, added another layer to the legend. The fabled city of Timbuktu has captured the Western imagination for centuries. The search for this 'African El Dorado' cost the lives of many explorers but Timbuktu is rich beyond its legends. Home to many thousands of ancient manuscripts on poetry, history, religion, law, pharmacology and astronomy, the city has been a centre of learning since medieval times. When jihadists invaded Mali in 2012 threatening destruction to Timbuktu's libraries, a remarkable thing happened. A team of librarians and archivists joined forces to spirit the precious manuscripts into hiding. Based on new research and first-hand reporting, Charlie English expertly tells this story set in one of the world's...

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Chemical Interactions Student Edition Third Edition 2005 (9780131150973)

This hands-on content-rich program enables you to lead your students through explorations of specific concepts within Life, Earth, and Physical Science. Product details Format Hardback | 198 pages Dimensions 224 x 277 x 15mm | 748g Publication date ...

A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis (1491249390)

It was good enough for themWhat do Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, and Richard Ney have in common? They used volume and price to anticipate where the market was heading next, and so built their vast fortunes. For them, it was the ticker tape, for us it is the trading screen. The results are the same and can be for you too. You can be lucky tooI make no bones about the fact I believe I was lucky in starting my own trading journey using volume. To me it just made sense. The logic was inescapable. And for me, the most powerful reason is very simple. Volume is a rare commodity in trading - a leading indicator. The second and only other leading indicator is price. Everything else is lagged. It's a simple problemAs traders, investors or speculators, all we are trying to do is to forecast where the market is heading next. Is there any better way than to use the only two leading indicators we have at our disposal, namely volume and price? And such a powerful solutionIn isolation, each tel...

WhatsApp - optimal nutzen - neueste Version 2018 mit allen Funktionen anschaulich erklärt (3959820585)

WhatsApp optimal nutzen Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle WhatsApp-Nutzer und die, die es werden wollen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie ein iPhone oder Android-Smartphone nutzen. Autor Christian Immler berücksichtigt die Apps für beide Betriebssysteme. Sie erfahren alles, was man über die beliebteste Chat-App wissen muss. Von der Installation und der Warnung vor Fake-Apps über das eigene Profil, das Senden von Nachrichten, Daten und Bildern bis zu Gruppen, Sprachnachrichten und Telefonieren geht die Reise quer durch die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der App. Darüber hinaus gibt der Autor viele nützliche Tipps und Tricks zu Themen wie Firmen-Newsletter, Probleme mit öffentlichen WLANs, Spam sowie Zusatztools. Aus dem Inhalt: - WhatsApp installieren - Nachrichten schreiben - Bilder, Videos und andere Daten versenden - Sprachnachrichten und Telefonieren - Datenversand - Kontakte und Gruppen - Wichtige Einstellungen - Das eigene Profil - Nützliche Tipps und Tricks Nachrichten schreiben, ...

How to Find Love in a Bookshop : A Novel (0735223505)

"Absolutely delightful." -People The enchanting story of a bookshop, its grieving owner, a supportive literary community, and the extraordinary power of books to heal the heart Nightingale Books, nestled on the main street in an idyllic little village, is a dream come true for book lovers-a cozy haven and welcoming getaway for the literary-minded locals. But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open after her beloved father's death, and the temptation to sell is getting stronger. The property developers are circling, yet Emilia's loyal customers have become like family, and she can't imagine breaking the promise she made to her father to keep the store alive. There's Sarah, owner of the stately Peasebrook Manor, who has used the bookshop as an escape in the past few years, but it now seems there's a very specific reason for all those frequent visits. Next is roguish Jackson, who, after making a complete mess of his marriage, now look...

Monsterthology (9798543712641)

Zombie Works Publications proudly presents to you, fifteen horrifying tales of vampires, werewolves, demons, zombies, and other monsters: 21 Grams by T. Fox Dunham . Dinner on the Town by Joe Mogel . Absolution by Jay Wilburn . The Living Nightmare by Tom Fowler . Roll Camera by Sara Saint John . One Strike for Connor by Joseph M. Monks . The Felix Redemption by Robert Goodman . Stink Man by James S. Dorr . The Monster by Brandon Cracraft . Halloween by Leslie Munnelly . Dracula's Horde by J. Gerard Michaels . Death Echo by Dawn Ius . No Kind Return by Franklin E. Wales and Michael Patricks . Also It! The Other Thing from Another World! by Dr. Martin D. Hill . The Mummy's Touch by Tim J. Finn. Product details Format Paperback ...

Encíclica Laudato si': Sobre el cuidado de la casa común (9788427137714)

«Laudato si', sobre el cuidado de la casa común» es la esperada encíclica «verde» que Mensajero ofrece a todos sus lectores a partir del 19 de junio. En ella, el Papa Francisco nos hace una invitación urgente para proteger la casa común. Está dirigida a todas las personas que habitamos en este planeta. Lleva el título de «Laudato si'» (Alabado seas) en alusión al «Cántico de las criaturas de san Francisco de Asís». Solo podremos construir un futuro mejor para la tierra, nuestra casa, si protegemos la creación y, especialmente, las vidas de los más pobres del mundo. Product details Format Book | 192 pages ...

Le rivoluzioni del libro. L'invenzione della stampa e la nascita dell'età moderna (9788815061508)

In questo studio l'autrice fissa la sua attenzione sulle tre grandi rivoluzioni che fra XV e XVII secolo hanno dato forma all'età moderna: il Rinascimento, la Riforma protestante e la Rivoluzione scientifica. Ognuna di queste si dimostra influenzata nel profondo dall'invenzione della tipografia, nel senso che la diffusione dei libri resa possibile dalla scoperta di Gutenberg sta nel cuore stesso di queste tre rivoluzioni: la riscoperta e la diffusione degli autori antichi, base del Rinascimento, presuppone l'esistenza della tipografia; senza l'effetto moltiplicatore della stampa, che disseminò 300.000 copie delle opere di Lutero e infinite edizioni tradotte della Bibbia, la rottura della Cristianità operata dalla Riforma sarebbe stata impensabile. Product details Format Book ...

JC Smith's The Law of Contract (9780198853503)

JC Smith's The Law of Contract provides a superb overview of all the key areas of contract law, making it ideal for use on all undergraduate courses. A focus on key cases acts as a springboard into analysis and critical discussion, and useful further reading recommendations provide students with a foundation for independent research. The book is easily navigated as chapters are kept short, with key points outlining the main concepts and topics broken down by regular headings. These work as a useful signpost, and revision checklist. Particular attention is paid to supporting assessment; each chapter ends with either an essay or problem-based question - guidance on how to answer these questions is given online, alongside a range of assessment-focused online resources, including a number of essay attempts from real students 'marked' by the author to give students insights into what examiners are looking for, and interactive self-test questions which provide instant feedback....

On Resistance to Evil by Force (9781726472043)

Written in 1925, On Resistance to Evil by Force is one of the most important tracts composed by white émigré philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin. Responding to the pacifist pretentions of Count Leo Tolstoy, Ilyin mounts a tenacious defence of the Orthodox tradition of physical opposition to evil. As he explains, in the face of evil which can be contained by no other means, a forceful response is not only permissible, but becomes a knightly duty. Further, heroic courage consists not only in recognising this duty, but in bearing its heavy moral burden without fear. In his own time, Ilyin penned this guide for the exiled Russian White Army in its continued resistance against the godless Bolsheviks, yet while the world has developed since the civil war which he lived through, Christians everywhere can still find great relevance in his words, for the same evil continues its designs through other means and under other names. Translated here into English for the first time, On Resistance to ...

Flutter Complete Reference : Create beautiful, fast and native apps for any device (9798691939952)

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for creating beautiful and native applications for mobile, desktop and web from a single Dart codebase. In this book we cover in detail the Dart programming language (version 2.10, with null safety support) and the Flutter framework (version 1.20). While reading the chapters, you'll find a lot of good practices, tips and performance advices to build high quality products. The book is divided in 3 parts. PART 1: It's about the Dart programming language (classes, exceptions, inheritance, null safety, streams, SOLID principles...). PART 2. It's about the Flutter framework (localization, routing, state management with Bloc and Provider, testing, performances with DevTools, animations...). PART 3. It's a long collection of examples (using Firestore, monetizing apps, using gestures, networking, publishing packages at, race recognition with ML kits, playing audio and video...). The official website of the book contains the complet...