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Consecration to the Blessed Virgin according to St. Louis de Montfort (9781493753048)

Attention: Marian devotee...

DON'T read this book unless... want to know the whats, whys, and hows of the secret of salvation the Holy Spirit revealed to St. Louis de Montfort.

Long story, short, St. Louis said...

"Predestinate soul, here is a secret the Most High has taught me, which I have not been able to find in any book, old or new. I confide it to you, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit" ("Secret of Mary", #1).

And in the "True Devotion to Mary", he wrote about this secret...

"This devotion is an easy, short, perfect, and secure way of arriving at union with Our Lord, in which the perfection of a Christian consists" (True Devotion, #152).

Plus, he said this devotion...

" a path trodden by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, our sole Head. One of His members in passing by the same road cannot deceive himself. It is a secure road, which conducts us to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner, without turning to the right hand or to the left" (True Devotion, #168).

On the other hand, he admitted...

"I have now said many things about the most holy Virgin; but I have many more to say, and there are infinitely more which I shall omit, whether from ignorance, inability, or want of time" (True Devotion, #111).

This book is an in-depth primer which gives you the whats, whys, and hows of consecration to Mary, helping to fill in the things St. Louis omitted. It's actually two books in one. The second book is "Why Consecrate Myself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?"

Now, with that being said, this book may not be for you.

Because I don't know what type of person you are. You see, in the Parable of the Sower, Jesus describes four types of people who hear the Gospel willingly. Yet, He says only one out of the four types takes action, accepts His invitation to follow Him, and bears fruit.

So, based on Jesus' own math, at least 75% of people (3 out of 4) fall into the category He describes...

"This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me" (Mk. 7:6).

But, as far as the 25% who accepted the Gospel, which, in truth, is an invitation to follow Him, He says...

"But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold" (Mt. 13:23).

Do you ever wonder what happens to the people who don't accept the Word of God and bear fruit? Because Jesus says bearing fruit is a necessary condition to enter heaven, and...

"Every tree that doesn't bring forth good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire" (Mt. 7:19).

That's why He says...

"How narrow is the gate, and constricted is the way that leads to life: and few there are who find it!" (Mt. 7:14)

The good news is St. Louis says...

"If Mary, who is the tree of life, is well cultivated in our soul by fidelity to the practices of this devotion, she will bear her fruit in her own time, and her fruit is none other than Jesus Christ" (True Devotion, #218).

And that's why St. Louis asks...

"Having, then, before our eyes an example so plain and so well-known to the whole world, are we so senseless as to imagine that we can find a more perfect or a shorter means of glorifying God than that of submitting ourselves to Mary, after the example of her Son?" (True Devotion, #139)

So, if you're "on the fence" about taking the path St. Louis says was "trodden by Jesus Christ," then this isn't for you.

In that case, I do not urge you to send for this book. However, if you are the type of Marian devotee for whom "Consecration to the Blessed Virgin according to St. Louis de Montfort" has been written, and you are determined to follow Jesus on the same path which St. Louis says He took, you will send for it without urging today.

Product details

  • Paperback | 96 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 5mm | 141g
  • English
  • Illustrations, black and white
  • 1493753045
  • 9781493753048
  • 1,705,409

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